Bettna, At last.....
I really enjoyed knitting something that looks nice, knitted up quickly and that I am able to wear. I would knit another Bettna but not another Kureyon anything as there aren't really any other colourways I like and I think I prefer the more tweedy stripes of Silk Mountain....
Washing the Noro was scary though. I had already picked out a hundred pieces of thorn, straw, twig and other vegetable matter as I was knitting but when I put it into the water I was shocked to see so much more coming out. There was quite a lot of dye and also some very fine black particles that looked like metal dust. It took 3 rinses to get the majority of it out and was very time consuming.
Drying the jacket also took forever as I can only let it air dry and it's still cold and damp here - not exactly sweater drying weather. (Any tips of drying methods for damp, cold climates gratefully accepted.)
Anyway, just the loose ends to sew in and then I can wear it and I'll finally start to feel a little warmer for a change.
Bettna is BEAUTIFUL! :) I really love the colours. It's even prettier than the original. :)
I think it's a bit shameful that you've finished a whole sweater and I've not even finished a pair of socks!
It is gorgeous! I love the pattern and the colorway - congrats! And ewww on all the stuff that came out in the wash!
Gorgeous...I think I need to find this pattern. I love Noro, and don't much mind the "stuff" that comes with it. Reminds me of what must be part of the barnyard that the sheep are living in.
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